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 education | HanseYachts AG

Apprentice carpenter

As the second-biggest yacht-builder in the world, HanseYachts AG has not only one of the largest boat carpentry workshops but also its very own training workshop for carpenters at its headquarters in Greifswald. We are unique in the industry for just how many types of wood we use. We have more than 100 people working in this area on interiors for our sailing and motor yachts. This includes seating for the saloon, the galley (the kitchen on a boat) and the berths. The high quality of our manufacturing is the result both of skilled craftsmanship and of precision machinery such as CNC milling machines.

Over time, our apprentice carpenters learn about all sorts of varieties of wood and how to work with them, both by hand and using machinery. Wood joining techniques are an equally important part of the apprenticeship. This calls for good spatial visualization ability and a sound command of basic arithmetic, as well as decimals, fractions, exponents and cross-multiplication. 

The apprenticeship on our premises is accompanied by a teaching module at a vocational school in Wolgast. Our apprentice carpenters also attend courses in Rostock.

Are you physically fit and good at working with your hands? Do you enjoy working with wood? If so, send us your application to become an apprentice carpenter.

Course content:

  • Materials science – wood
  • Operating tools and machinery
  • Woodwork techniques (sawing, carving, planing and milling)
  • Wood joining techniques (gluing, nailing and riveting)


  • Good Realschule school-leaving qualifications
  • Good at working with your hands using wood, tools, and machinery
  • A sound command of decimals, fractions, exponents and cross-multiplication
  • Spatial visualization ability
  • Teamwork skills 

Course length: Three years

Course location:

  • Vocational school in Wolgast (teaching module)
  • Practical module at HanseYachts AG

Start date: 1 September 2024

Apply now
Any questions about apprenticeships? We’re here to help! You can contact our HR representative from 09:00 to 16:00 from Monday to Thursday and from 09:00 to 14:00 on Fridays, or via e-mail.

Representative: Beate Engelbrecht
HanseYachts AG
Ladebower Chaussee 11
17493 Greifswald, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)3834 579 2200

Beate Engelbrecht | HanseYachts AG