PLAY HARDER DEHLER 30 one design


让热血在激情中沸腾。Gennaker 在强风中飘扬,速度在 9 到 14 节之间跳转。一个胜利的微笑,由于看到前方的目标通道而感到一阵欣喜。– 翘起双脚,手里拿着冷饮,和船员们一起舒适地度过愉快的一天。 舒适区和冒险合二为一:这就是 Dehler 30 one design。一个大师,两个世界。通过几个手柄便可从赛艇模式切换到巡航模式,无论是 Baltic 500 或是双舵 Silverrudder,还是与朋友们短途航行。 放眼望去、一目了然:Dehler 30 one design 正在开始一项新的、不妥协的旅程。其设计宗旨是通过最简单的操作实现最佳性能 - 毫无疑问,这便是 Dehler:经过深思熟虑的整体包装,满足一切愿望,在船艇级别内设立了全新的标准。无论是 Dehler 碳纤维结构架、碳纤维桅杆、双舵、T 型复合龙骨架或是 Dehler Stealth Drive,即便是基础装备也能让它达到最佳性能,这才是关建。

  • 总长度10.30 m
  • 船体长度9.14 m
  • 光束3.28 m
  • Displacement standard2.8 t
  • Draught standard2.20 m



(Felix Hauß,

该级别协会的目的是促进 Dehler 30 one 设计的游艇的休闲和竞技运动,并管理该级别的规则。在Uwe Barthel(主席)、Karl Dehler(技术主席)、Felix Hauß(运动管理员)和Andreas Deubel(财务主管)的领导下,协会制定了国内和国际帆船比赛的路线。Dehler 30 one的设计将同样迅速地在国际赛艇比赛中确立自己的地位。Dehler 30 one 的设计将很快在国际赛场上站稳脚跟。

齐心协力  依托团队

Karl Dehler 帆船比赛世界冠军
Hanse Yachts的GRP和工具主管。
Intermezzo 帆船赛队的舵手,驾驶 Dehler 42 Competition 帆船。
Hanse Yachts的营销和传播主管,经验丰富的水手。

Karl Dehler - 项目主管 – HanseYachts 股份公司

“我很高兴能再次在德国实施这样一个令人兴奋的 One Design 项目!” Dehler 30 one design 所带来的推动力:开发的动力:HanseYachts 股份公司的项目主管 Karl Dehle。作为 Dehler 公司创始人 Willi Dehler 的儿子,他血液中流淌着对造船业的热情。对于 Dehler 来说,这是能够发明出众多创新产品并能够引领潮流的重要组成部分。其取得的成功足以说明一切:在 Karls 项目管理团队的带领下,Dehler 已赢得无数著名的创新奖项,并不断因荣获年度游艇头衔和欧洲年度游艇头衔而屡受嘉奖和提名。 他的专业知识、能力以及主导一切的激情主要源自于多年来一如既往地积极投身于帆船赛事所积累的经验。另外,他与 Torsten Conradi 一起赢得了 1984 年 db2 Positron 世界冠军头衔。

Torsten Conradi – judel/vrolijk & co 公司的企业负责人

“经过许多与 Kalle Dehler 联合的项目和帆船赛之后,这个项目真是我让我牵挂的事。” Thorsten Conradi 是不来梅人,自 1986 年以来,是世界着名游艇设计公司 judel/vrolijk & co 的第三个合伙人。作为一名充满激情的帆船赛手和巡航赛手,他多年来作为德国船艇和造船协会主席以及在担任“德国游艇”主席期间一直表现活跃。 尤其是他作为造船工程师常年积累下的经验以及他在空气动力学和流体动力学方面的研究也让现在的 Dehler 30 one design 团队受益良多。

Matthias Bröker - judel/vrolijk & co 公司的造船工程师

“将公海航行的设计知识运用到小型船只上,这是一项激动人心的挑战。” 如果有人能够在工作时血脉喷张,那无疑就是 Matthias Bröker 了。Matthias 是 Dehler 30 one design 项目的总管。作为 judel/vrolijk & co 公司的首席造船工程师并在开发 One Designs、量产赛艇以及如 TP 52 等方程式级别赛艇方面拥有大量经验,他的团队也因他在这两个领域中所具备的丰富专业知识而受益匪浅。

Ann Catrein Jabobsen – judel/vrolijk & co 公司的室内设计师

“非常希望看到我们现在头脑中预先设想的想法和材料最终能够在现实中发挥作用。” 在现代流行设计中发挥最大的功能性。Ann Catrein Jabobsen,judel/vrolijk & co 公司的室内女设计师,就是代表。作为一名活跃的帆船赛手,她本身也是游艇界的一份子,同时也清楚对小空间的所有要求是多么的重要。Dehler 30 one design 的室内设计也是这方面的写照,表达了她对帆船赛和设计的热情,每个细节都令人折服。

Jan-Philipp Lüdtke – HanseYachts 公司的室内设计设计师

“我们团队合作成功开发了一种室内设计,即使在帆船赛中也能为船主提供最高水平的舒适度。” Jan-Philipp Lüdtke 是 HanseYachts股份公司的室内设计师,在摇篮中便伴随着航海运动长大。五岁那年,他便获得了最小年龄组证书。随后他无数次游历地中海和波罗的海,并同他的父亲一起建造了一艘自己的木制航船。 这种风格现在也被带入了 Dehler 30 one design 的开发团队。除了木工学徒,他还可以利用大量丰富的经验:Jan-Philipp 从 2009 年便开始在 HanseYachts 股份公司就职。他首先就任于家具开发部门和结构部门的主管。自 2016 年以来,他任职设计概念部门的团队主管。显而易见:对他而言,任何挑战都能轻松应对。

Oliver Schmidt-Rybandt – 航海顾问

“与这样一个经验丰富的团队合作,并开发出如 Dehler 30 one design 这样出色的产品,真是莫大的快乐。” Dehler 30 one design 的开发工作,首先基于航海赛手门通过多年经验和能力所取得的成功。Oliver Schmidt-Rybandt 也同样如此。作为航海顾问和罗斯托克 Speedsailing 公司的所有者和合伙人,他被这个项目中所注入的新动力和想法而打动。他为每项挑战都指定了适合的解决方案。

Felix Hauss – 航海顾问

“我们已经见过几艘船了,但“Dehler 30 one design”如此的引人注目。” 罗斯托克 Speedsail 公司的所有人和合伙人 Felix Hauß 懂得如何掌舵和高速航行。这通过他在如 Volvo Ocean 60 和海洋赛事多体船协会三体船等船艇上的常年经验方面可以看出。特别是在首次试航行时,游艇船长和航海顾问们的热情和能力对 Dehler 30 one design 项目来说简直是如虎添翼、画龙点睛。

Rene Becker - HanseYachts 股份公司开发部门

能够参与这种创新动力系统的开发工作,对我来说是一个令人兴奋的亮点。” 最大性能和最高效率 - Rene Becker 是您在帆船艇上动力设计和发动机组装的联络负责人。作为 HanseYachts 股份公司的硕士工程师和开发人员,他密切关注项目中的技术问题:设计、细节设定、建模与建档。 尤其是 Dehler Stealth Drive,新型的动力奇迹,这种专业知识让我们受益良多。

Stephan Eigendorf – HanseYachts 股份公司 GFK 技术和模具制造部门的主管

我非常醉心于许多小因素和各种材料相互作用,最后构建出这种协调的结构。” 作为 HanseYachts 股份公司 GFK 技术和模具制造部门的主管,来自于加拿大的 Stephan Eigendorf 首先在 Dehler 30 one design 上运用了丰富的经验、技术专业知识和高品质的选材以及制作工艺。 凭借他常年在船舶制造和船舶维修方面积累的国际工作经验以及从中总结出的专业知识,使我们现在从 Dehler 30 one design 的模具制造中受益匪浅。尤其是他所具备的专业知识和所追求的高精度,让我们能够使船体实现如此高度的质量。

Jens Kuphal – 德国航海团队的航海顾问

“我真的非常期待,能看到这艘船在水面上的表现。德国制造的 One-Design 最终重新落叶归根。” 作为德国航海团队的经理人,Jens Kuphal 始终在追求着一种愿景:将德国航海技术树立为公海领域上的质量标杆。像 Dehler 30 one design 这样推动创新的项目完全迎合了帆船赛手和公海水手们的激情。最重要的是,这位航海顾问运用他在团队管理和生产管理方面的多年经验,成功担任了“Dehler 42 赛事”中“Intermezzo Racing”团队的舵手。

Peter Meyer - HanseYachts 股份公司采购部门

“特别是对于这样一个项目,所面向的是经验丰富的目标人群,在此类船艇的正确选材方面和正确选用组件方面,倍加关注格外重要。” Peter Meyer 是 HanseYachts 股份公司采购部门的主管,在游艇行业中拥有 20 年的经验。是德国索林根国家队中一名活跃的帆船赛手,在技术类采购和销售方面具备卓越的专业知识,在提升和优化生产方面是公认的专业人士。毫无疑问:这种程度的行业、产品和品牌认知度推动了 Dehler 30 one design 项目的决定性推进。

Katja Siegel – HanseYachts 股份公司市场营销传播部门主管

没有什么能比这三个字更能鞭策我们的:不可能。 当我们听到这三个字,我们会尽一切努力将不可能变为可能。我们作为一个团队满怀激情,推动这个开创性项目向前发展。 Katja Siegel 是所有事务的联络负责人。作为 HanseYachts 股份公司市场营销传播部门主管,她需要捋清所有繁杂头绪,并就该项目与外界沟通。Dehler 30 one design 方面的工作主要得益于 Katja 和她的团队多年来在航海通信领域中所积累的经验和作为活跃的航海家所具备的专业知识。节假日里,她通常会乘坐她的经典木龙船出海游玩。

与爱艇零距离接触——Dehler 专属艇展,  您的个人专场

Book a private tour

亲临爱艇时,相逢变相识?个人艇展来相约,我们诚邀您赴约。是否期待与心目中的 Dehler 游艇亲密接触,亲自体验甲板上下林林总总的设计细节,并同时聆听细致入微的专业讲解?这一切,由您的经销商来做安排,并期待您的到来。无人山人海,无仓促慌乱——只要遵守必要的卫生规定,整个参观过程便是您的个人专场。还等什么,快来预约吧!我们期待与您不见不散!



外觀  突出

Liferaft stowage – Lid up and it’s ready

The liferaft. Nobody wants to use it but everyone wants to know it will work flawlessly if deployed. All crewmembers must be able to release and activate the liferaft in all conditions and without help.
When it comes to safety, we leave nothing to chance. With a dedicated storage space at the stern, the liferaft couldn’t be easier to access. Just a few simple steps and it is ready for use.

Twin rudder and lead keel – a lateral plan that doesn’t compromise

The Dehler 30 one design is also engineered for top performance below the waterline. The uncompromising lateral plan includes a 2.2m-deep T-keel with lead bulb and twin rudders.
The composite keel consists of two segments: the upper part is formed of a hollow, extruded aluminium fin. Bolted beneath that is a streamlined lead bulb which puts 900kg at the deepest point of the keel for maximum efficiency. And the result? Our lightest ever fin, whose connecting webs allow flexion for great strength and correspondingly low weight. The lead bulb guarantees a high righting moment and tremendous speed potential.
Double is better: twin rudders are much more stable. Even at high speed, and especially when the boat surfs, there is always a rudder in the water to ensure full control. And when the lee rudder is fully immersed, you reduce the wetted area to a minimum.

Cockpit stowage – Everything in the locker

As racers know, storage space in the cockpit can be in seriously short supply when you’re cruising. We want to change that. The locker situated behind the steering linkage is watertight and secured by a transparent deck hatch.

Instrument Rack – The security centre

The instrument rack is the be-all and end-all for safety on board: at the stern, it carries all the safety and communication gear.
In an emergency, seconds often count. That's why at Dehler we rigorously combine technical innovations with maximum safety. Both lifebuoy and Epirb can be reached and activated with simple movements. Positioning aft above the transom ensures the best view and maximum coverage of the sky for SatNav / satellite communication.

Warm anti-slip in the cockpit - Safety can also be comfortable

Who hasn’t suffered bruises and numb legs while sailing? We have now developed a remedy: soft antislip patches on the cockpit benches and the cockpit sole between the traveller and the companionway. The insulating properties of these patches stops you from chilling down during long passages seated. It should turn a nap during the off-watch into a near spa experience!

Main sheet with 4:1 and 16:1 purchase – The accelerator

Perfect power transmission in every situation. The choice of coarse or fine trim on board optimises handling during manoeuvres.
4:1 is best when it comes to speed in the turn. Need strength or sensitivity? Then the fine tuning possible through the 16:1 purchase comes into play. Especially useful for precise trim in the fathead main to build up pressure, or to spill wind in the gusts.

External helm system - Full access and optimal control

Good technology shouldn’t be hidden. The helm system of the Dehler 30 one design is all above the deck. Everything at a glance and easily accessible - this is how to keep repairs and maintenance simple.
Central tiller steering makes efficient use of space, with short routes and the easiest handover to another crew member. Whether alone or crewed, the boat is easy to manoeuvre. Fast, safe and effective - an unbeatable combination.

Adjustable footrests – Lock it down so you don’t lose it!

It is often little things that make the difference between victory and defeat. Individually adjustable foot rests for the helmsman offer optimal support at any time, in any conditions. Better ergonomics keep you more comfortable so you can stay on the helm longer, stay focused and above all, stay bang on course. Just become one with the boat.

Dehler Stealth Drive – Streamlined wonder

A drive concept that only comes to the fore when needed. For this purpose, we pair a small diesel engine (10 hp) with a retractable shaft, which is controlled by a lever in the cockpit. This new drive concept is typically Dehler: designed for mass production and easy maintenance. The Dehler Stealth Drive - a true Dehler innovation with great impact.
To use the engine, a simple pull on the lever is enough: the drive train folds down and the boat is ready to go under power. When folded, the shaft and prop tuck up inside the hull, hermetically sealed behind a cover. No water resistance and no chance that nets, seaweed or other foreign objects could tangle the prop and slow you down. Since no stern gear is being hauled through the water when sailing, we can even spec a fixed propeller with higher efficiency than a folding prop. A fixed prop on a raceboat of this calibre? It seems wrong, but we’ve found a way to do it! *
* Connoisseurs know: Dehlers are delivered as standard with a folding propeller. Using this proprietary system, we can now deliver the first Dehler with a fixed-pitch propeller.

Integrated bulkhead instruments - Everything at a glance

Technology is an absolute given on board these days. Whether it’s a multifunction display or a simple chartplotter; a digital compass or autopilot with remote control - everything is monitored and controlled from the coachroof bulkhead. All the key data for sail trim and navigation is displayed here. Everything available at a glance and within arm’s reach.

Sliding dodger with 3D window - Keep an eye out

Everything in sight at all times. The sliding dodger with curved 3D window offers a perfect 360-degree view of the water, deck and especially rigging – all from the protected companionway. Out of the wind and weather, it offers shelter and reliable cover, without cutting contact with the outside world.
A pleasant side effect: more headroom and natural light in the companionway.

Category A Offshore – Sailing without limits

The Dehler 30 one design is uncompromising. Thanks to its high-quality composite build, the boat has great structural strength, but displaces just 2.8 tonnes. It will prove itself in offshore and coastal regattas.
The easy-to-trim monolithic carbon rig and its aluminium boom extend to the maximum length allowed in category A. And with its deck-stepped mast, there is no possibility of water leaking below. So there is nothing to stop the boat competing in regattas open only to category A yachts.

Double-handed – Optimised for small crews

This high performance offshore one design is optimised for shorthanded crews. Here, the 9.14m length and 3.25m beam of the Dehler 30 one design sets new standards and delivers the perfect boat to match the growing passion for double-handed racing.
Our focus on deck has been ease of handling and an efficient layout for the crew to work together. The simple-to-use 200-litre ballast tanks provide additional stability for small crews. One-up or with crew, the best possible trim is always guaranteed.

Railing in black - Sexy security

Pulpit, pushpit and stanchions in black. Why? Not only does it look pretty damn good, supporting the overall style of the boat, it also eliminates that distracting gleam which can take your mind off the essential: winning the race!

Serial number in the deck - Tell us who you are

Especially on long passages, conditions can be rough. We say Safety First. Set into the deck, a soft, non-slip neoprene patch provides additional support when crew are working on the foredeck.
The patch also bears the hull number in large digits. This is a common feature in many offshore classes, ensuring the boat can be identified from the air.

Hull shape - Ready to race

Even at first glance, it is clear: from the transom to the bowsprit, this is 10.22m of pure racing DNA. The long, straight hull with pronounced chines aft is vacuum infused in E-glass, serving to increase the dimensional stability and visibility on the water. The sheer stern has the benefit of minimising the wetted area of the lateral plan and keeping the boat stable at speed. And to top it all off: a moderate scow bow, which generates dynamic buoyancy while surfing despite the steep ends. It allows the bow to cut through cross-seas with minimal resistance.
The hull is fitted with the latest version of the Dehler Carbon Cage, which evenly distributes hull loading across its high-strength structure. The result: convincing rigidity with the lowest possible weight. The Dehler 30 one design converts all forces into maximum performance.

Bowsprit with bobstay – Always a nose ahead

The Dehler 30 one design is equipped with a fixed full-carbon bowsprit. The bobstay prevents the bowsprit from bending under shock loads when using the Gennaker or Code Zero, so all the pressure is converted to speed.
When cruising or manoeuvring in a tightly-packed harbour, the bowsprit can be easily removed and later replaced.



Aft cabins – Make the most of a broad stern

Through the aft bulkhead, you reach the aft cabins on each side. The berths measure a generous 2m long by 1.1m wide at the head, tapering to 80cm, so you will find everything necessary for a peaceful night’s rest or a quick nap on the windward leg of the race. The inside of the hull is lined with a modern mesh material, so you can lean comfortably against it. Smaller belongings find a home behind the fiddle on the shelf; larger ones can be stowed under the bunk cushions. Functional, yet comfortable.

Engine compartment - Direct access

Between the two aft berths and the companionway is the technical space, accessible from both sides. From here, the engine and the seawater valve are easy to maintain. The area between the bunks and above the Dehler Stealth Drive Tunnel is not wasted, either. Here practical, optional transport boxes provide space for personal items. Everything sorted thematically in easy reach.

Electric Panel - The communications centre

Keep an eye on everything, even below decks. From VHF radio to battery management; switchboard and circuit breakers to mobile phone chargers (12v and USB ports), all wiring comes back to here.
Whether it’s entertainment in port or hard facts on the high seas, the electric panel integrated into the bulkhead provides the perfect overview.

Lightweight GRP sandwich bulkheads ¬- Less is more

The lightweight construction concept of the Dehler 30 one design doesn’t stop at the bulkheads. Consistency down to the smallest detail. The E-glass sandwich bulkheads offer maximum strength with low weight. Rig loading from the deck-stepped mast is optimally transferred to the keel section. Another advantage: unlike the traditional wooden core, the foam core hardly absorbs any water.

Storage shelf with internal storage space

Order is half of life - especially below decks. A lightweight shelf with internal storage offers enough space for the essentials. Safe and compact, various items can be stored.

Integrated companionway stowage - For all your stuff

On the Dehler 30 one design, even the smallest space is used efficiently. An integrated storage space on the companionway is used to stow small items that need to be quickly and easily accessible. Things like torches, handheld VHF, sunglasses etc

Anti-slip flooring - High-tech carpet

All floor areas between the companionway and the forepeak are designed with the same anti-slip material as on deck. This not only minimises the formation of condensation, but ensures a secure footing and underlines the warmth of the space.

Freshwater tank – A real lightweight

Everyday life aboard requires fresh running water. That’s why we’ve equipped the boat with a lightweight flexible tank and an economical, manual foot pump. Fresh water can be filled directly from the deck and the tank is placed centrally, close to the boat’s centre of gravity.

Galley - Small but flexible

True comfort only comes with a well-equipped galley. Whether chilled drinks or hot snacks, everything is taken care of. The Eno gas stove with piezoelectric ignition comes with a saucepan holder. On the right of the work surface with its handrail, there is a recess for standard-sized coolers, and a 12V socket. There’s a small sink with a flexible tap and foot pump. A versatile, sliding chopping board is also part of the standard equipment, covering either a cooker or sink. There is plenty of storage space in the galley: textile zippered bags are ample for food and kitchen utensils.

Separable heads - A little luxury with little effort

Some things can’t be avoided. So that friends remain friends, there is a simple toilet solution from the aircraft industry. A lightweight fabric screen folds out on flexible hinges to separate the heads from the saloon and create some privacy. Preserve your dignity even with a larger crew on long passages.
The manual toilet is equipped with a blackwater tank and deck pump-out. Simple and clean.

Saloon - Performance without comfort? Never!

We don’t believe that comfort and powerful performance in a boat need be mutually exclusive. The Dehler 30 one design brilliantly combines clear performance features with a feel-good factor. So the open bulkheads create a bright, generous volume while at the same time saving weight. Lightweight technical materials in warm, natural tones create a surprisingly large sense of space for a boat of its size.

Lithium ion batteries - The power bank

For the first time on a Dehler boat, we are using super-light lithium-ion batteries. Installed at the lowest point of the hull, they are as weight-neutral as possible. Battery management technology is built in, and 70A alternators ensure fast charging. Lithium-ion batteries are also low maintenance and stable.

Fabric-lined hull - High-tech from the fashion world

Each cabin sports a fabric lining. In keeping with the yacht’s sporty character, we rely on a well-proven material from the sporting world to create a sense of coziness. Fashionable mesh fabric is particularly durable, stretchy and therefore ideally suited for padding the inner hull.

Moulded wooden saloon seating - Ergonomics below deck

Switch from cruising to racing mode at a stroke. Even below, the Dehler 30 one design is a master of both worlds. The saloon benches made of waterproof, real oak combine ergonomics and stability. They invite the crew to sit comfortably together or, when folded up for racing, provide ample storage space. For more comfort, the padding from the sides of the forward cabin transforms into the upholstery of the salon bench. Robust, water-repellent and easy to clean.

Table - Foldable multifunctionality

Two in one. A centrally placed bracket acts as a firm handrail and at the same time the base of the hinged table.

Large double focsle berth - play area or sail locker

Depending on requirements, the boat's great versatility once again shows itself in the forepeak. As in the saloon, a few steps are enough to switch between sport mode and cruising mode. When the berths are folded up, there is direct access to the inspection hatch of the collision bulkhead, and lots of extra storage space for sails. When cruising, the berth offers accommodation for two, with its 2.2m length and 1.8m width, tapering to 1.45m at the foot. Like the saloon, the cabin sides are lined with mesh fabric.

Collision bulkhead - Pure safety

Water ingress following a collision is a nightmare for any boatowner. To prevent the boat from flooding and to ensure the safety of the crew, the bow area is hermetically separated from the rest of the boat. A watertight inspection hatch allows maintenance and inspection of the forestay attachment.


Dehler 30 one design – 详细介绍

我们花了多年的时间进行规划、研究和开发,但 Dehler 30 one 的设计是值得等待的。您可以亲自体验一下这款真正的赛车所具有的一系列特殊功能,让您感受到最大的乐趣。

Dehler 30 one design - 导游

加入Oliver Schmidt-Rybandt的行列,参观Dehler 30 one的设计,了解所有使船上生活充满乐趣和舒适的巧妙细节。

Dehler 30 one design - Knut Frostad 采访

挪威水手和Navico的首席执行官Knut Frostad从一个成功的帆船赛水手的角度回答了关于Dehler 30 one设计的问题。他对设计、航行计划、设备和总体布局提出了自己的专业意见。他说:"我喜欢它","我绝对会和我的家人一起驾驶这艘船。这是一艘有趣的船,它相当容易航行,而且布局安全、方便。"

Dehler 30 one design - YACHTtv 第一部分

YACHT tv新系列的开始:我们独家跟踪新的Dehler 30 one设计,从最初的想法到原型的试运行。

Dehler 30 one design - YACHTtv 第一部分

YACHT电视观察了Dehler 30 one设计模型。1:1比例的模型使人们有可能走过并体验其内部。

Dehler 30 one design - YACHTtv 第三部分 模具制作

Dehler 30 one design - YACHTtv 第四部分


Dehler 30 one design - YACHTtv 第五部分

YACHT tv参观了第一艘完成的Dehler 30 one设计,这艘船终于进入了她的视野。

Dehler 30 one design - Yacht 测试

德国游艇电视台伴随着Dehler 30 one设计的发展过程,历时数月,最终为大型游艇测试做好准备。

Dehler 30 one design - 发射片段

经过多年的规划、研究和开发,第一台Dehler 30 one设计终于问世了。陪伴她从生产车间到她第一次接触她的元素的那一刻。

Dehler 30 one design - 铣削工艺


Dehler 30 one design - Dehler Stealth Drive

在这种口径的赛艇上安装一个固定的螺旋桨?这似乎是不可能的,但我们已经找到了一种方法来做到这一点。Dehler Stealth Drive - 一个真正的Dehler创新,具有巨大的影响力。

下载中心  证件

Dehler 30 one design 技术规格 | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design 小册 | 为竞争而生。为舒适而建。Dehler 30 one设计是一艘高性能游艇。我们的专业团队创造了一艘船,通过使用最新的技术,在速度和操作之间取得了最佳平衡。来自judel/vrolijk & co.的世界知名游艇设计师和来自Speedsailing Rostock的航海偶像支持了德勒的开发团队。在成功的赛车手Karl Dehler的项目管理下,该团队实现了创新和独特的愿景。无论是帆船赛的专业选手还是业余水手--都可以在完全控制的情况下安全地达到新的极限。因此,工作更少--航行更多! | Dehler
Dehler Quantum Sails 手册 2020-21 | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design | ORC / IMS 证明书 | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design 出海计划 | 技术 | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design 出海计划 | 常规的 | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design 扬帆工作手册 量子帆 | 帆船书 "赛车 "和启动包量子帆 | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design | Stealth Drive | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design 帆船书 | Elvström 帆船 | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design 帆船书 | Northsails | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design 速度指南 | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design 甲板和船体计划 | 甲板 | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design 船身计划 | 技术 | Dehler
Dehler材料和色板 | 根据您的品味,用面料、颜色和材料设计您的Dehler外观。 | Dehler
Sail racing yacht Interior Layout
Dehler 30 one design 甲板 | Dehler

Dehler 30 one design 技术规格

Dehler 30 one design 小册

为竞争而生。为舒适而建。Dehler 30 one设计是一艘高性能游艇。我们的专业团队创造了一艘船,通过使用最新的技术,在速度和操作之间取得了最佳平衡。来自judel/vrolijk & co.的世界知名游艇设计师和来自Speedsailing Rostock的航海偶像支持了德勒的开发团队。在成功的赛车手Karl Dehler的项目管理下,该团队实现了创新和独特的愿景。无论是帆船赛的专业选手还是业余水手--都可以在完全控制的情况下安全地达到新的极限。因此,工作更少--航行更多!

Dehler Quantum Sails 手册 2020-21

Dehler 30 one design

ORC / IMS 证明书

Dehler 30 one design 出海计划


Dehler 30 one design 出海计划


Dehler 30 one design 扬帆工作手册 量子帆

帆船书 "赛车 "和启动包量子帆

Dehler 30 one design

Stealth Drive

Dehler 30 one design 帆船书

Elvström 帆船

Dehler 30 one design 帆船书


Dehler 30 one design 速度指南

Dehler 30 one design 甲板和船体计划


Dehler 30 one design 船身计划




Dehler 30 one design 内部布局

Dehler 30 one design 甲板

DEHLER 賽車王朝   one design

“One Design”设计源于德国 - “舒适惬意有助于航海”

1977 年的豪迈之举在很大程度上坚定了德国的造船业。这是奠定了德国制造 One Design 系列产品数十年历史的基础。早在当初 Willi Dehler 并不想接受赛艇的初衷只为一个目的:帆船赛。应赋予它更多的意义。他的愿景是:赛艇需要舒适。
它始于传奇的 Sprinta 运动。一艘能够跃跃欲试参加帆船赛的小型舱式巡航艇。它被认为是第一艘能够符合 IOR 体系级别 4 航行的大型单体船只。由于采用了只有大型船只才会采用的先进材料和高强度部件,Dehler 也因此在大规模造船业中荣获了楷模和先驱的殊荣。这样便制造了 500 艘船艇并集中航行。
合乎逻辑的结果:遵循船艇愈来愈长的趋势,并在项目中增加更多单体级别。1980 年完成了 DB1,这是量产的四分之三吨级单体级别。当时人们已经意识到:这艘船不仅能够胜任航行,而且还能提供舒适的居住环境。Dehler 最终通过非单体级别的 DB2 赢得了世界冠军头衔。
经过长时间的对最初指导原则的反思 Dehler 30 one design 现已结合了以往历代船艇的成功经验:创造一艘性能强大的船艇,同时又适合巡航。它将功能与舒适完美融合在一起,体现了前所未有的性能。游艇设计的每个细节不再单纯追求最大性能,而不考虑舒适性:它从巡航赛艇变成了赛手巡航艇。

Sprinta Sport

第一艘能够符合 IOR 体系级别 4 航行的大型单体船只取得了巨大的成功,并常常用于巡航。它共建造了 500 艘。它的目标是:经典替代方程式。



Dehler 30 one design

新开发的先进型赛手巡航艇融合了真正性能强大的 Dehler 基因。Dehler 30 one design 是一款不折不扣的双手操作式航海船,在追求最大性能的同时又兼顾了最高程度的舒适性。

DEHLER 30 one design  产品配置器

Dehler 游艇个性化定制船只。如 Dehler 30 one design 这种设计独一无二的船只已经在高品质标准装备方面达到了我们造船厂的最高标准。Dehler 30 one design 的标准包括:碳纤维桅杆、船首燃料、双舵、铝铅复合龙骨架,Dehler 碳纤维结构架以及首次推出的 Dehler Stealth Drive。请使用我们的产品配置器为您的 Dehler 30 one design 添加个性化配套。无论是选用新的颜色或是采取其他形状的船帆索,请设计您的个性化游艇。


奖项和  测试报告


Dehler 30 one design: Testbericht - yacht revue 19-2019 | Die Inspiration zur Dehler 30 one design holte sich Karl "Kalle" Dehler bei den Testfahrten zur Europas Yacht des Jahres vor vier Jahren in La Rochelle. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Yacht 8 - 2019 | Große Ambitionen: Mit der Dehler 30 one design will die Greifswalder Traditionsmarke eine neue Hochsee-Einheitsklasse etablieren. Die Ausrichtung ist deutlich sportlicher als bisher, zugleich soll Cruisen noch möglich sein. | Dehler
Dehler Range: Schwern Yachten GmbH & Co KG - Bericht Yacht 20/20 | Kenterung, Admiral's-Cup-Sieg, Fastnet-Sturm: Nicht nur als Segler hat JÜRGEN SCHWERN, 75, viel erlebt. Sein Name steht wie kaum ein anderer für den HANDEL MIT YACHTEN - seit 50 Jahren! Nun will er aufhören. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Testbericht - Segeler-Zeitung Februar 2020 | Wenn man an einem regnerischen, kalten Wintertag zum Bootstest nach Warnemünde lädt, zeugt das von viel Selbstbewusstsein. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Testbericht - Yacht 22-2019 | Konsequent beflügelt. Jungfernfahrt mit dem Prototyp der neuen Dehler-Einheitsklasse. Erstmals sind Beschläge, Rigg und Segel im Einsatz zu sehen. Wie das Boot funktioniert | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Testbericht - YACHT 24-2019 | Dehler bringt mit seinem neuen Einheitsklassenrenner ein durchdachtes und hochwertiges Boot auf den Markt, das unter Segeln maximalen Spaß bietet und dabei noch bewohnbar bleibt. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Bericht - Segel Journal 04/2019 | Racer von Dehler mit Doublehanded-Option | Dehler
Segelndes Kaleidoskop YACHT Nr. 17 August 2022 | Er bestreitet Regatten, entwirft Segel, entwickelt Boote - er takelt und tüdelt: Oliver Schmidt-Rybandt. Porträt eines Multitalents zu Wasser und an Land. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Bericht Teil 3 - Yacht 16-2019 | Bei einem neuen Serienboot ist der Formenbau einer der wichtigsten Produktionsschritte. Am Beispiel der Dehler 30 one design wird deutlich, welch immenser Aufwand dabei nötig ist. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Bericht - Yacht 17-2019 | Die neue Dehler 30 od wird mit einem innovativen Antrieb ausgerüstet. Die einziehbare Wellenanlage, eine der ersten in Serienreife, könnte sich schon bald auf Fahrtenbooten wiederfinden. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Testbericht - Yacht 4-2020 | Wer die YACHT regelmäßig liest, weiß über die Details dieses Bootes gut Bescheid. Schließlich haben wir die Entwciklung der Dehler 30 od von Beginn an begleitet und vergangenes Jahr in einer fünfteilige Serie dokumentiert. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Testbericht - Segeln Februar 2020 | Wenn man an einem regnerischen, kaltem Wintertag zum Bootstest nach Warnemünde lädt, zeugt das von viel Selbstbewusstsein. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one desig:n Testbericht - Ocean7 1/2020 | Es ist November und der frühmorgendliche Flug geht nach Hamburg. Im dann noch knapp 180 Kilometer entfernten Rostock warten die ersten beiden Prototypen der neuen Dehler 30 one design. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Yacht 13 - 2019 | 100 Kilogramm für Komfort: Bei der Gestaltung des Interieurs der neuen Dehler 30 one design steht das Designteam vor Herausforderungen. Komfort für den Urlaubstörn bei minimalem Gewicht zwingt zu Kompromissen und Innovation | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Ankündigung - Yacht 15 - 2018 | Enthüllt! Dehlers Geheimprojekt. Mit einem leistungsstarken Hochsee-Renner setzt Dehler neue Akzente. Die YACHT begleitet die Entwicklung von Beginn an und zeigt erste Details der spannenden Konstruktion. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: BÅD Magasinet 560 | Dehler har med deres radikale doublehand-racer Dehler 30 OD gjort noget helt nyt og anderledes ikke bare for værftet men for hele branchen. Med 38 både i ordrebogen ser det til, at det tyske værft bliver belønnet for at være de modige first-movere. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Revista - Mares Nautical Magazine N°21 | ¿Preparado para el cambio? Dequés de dos años de intensas investigaciones, diseño y desarrollo, nace el 30 OD, modelo con el que Dehler Yachts inicia un nuevo capítulo tras más de 50 años de historia. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: revista - N&Y No.46 2019 | Un barco totalmente pensado para competir, con una cubierta en la que no reina nada más que la maniobra destinada al trimado de velas | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Preview - Náutica Y Yates M@gazine - Número 43 Ano VII | EI nuevo Dehler 30 one design es un monotipo concebido para la regata pura, pero con buenas prestaciones de confort en sus interiores. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Review - Mares No34 2020 | Dehler Yachts presanta una nueva elase Offshore One Design, centrada en las competieiones de altura, a la que pertenece este modelo, que es el barco perfecto para esa nueva generación de navegantes que adoptan el desafio de competir en alta mar. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Review - Skipper N°446 | La experiencia de la marca Dehler, y la apuesta por las últimas tendencias, ha permitido crear el nuevo Dehler 30 One Design como una autentica máquina para que los especialistas puedan disfrutar de las grandes prestaciones. | Dehler
Dehler: Voile Magazine N°300 | La valeur de Dehler tient à cette addition de détails qui fait à la fois leur modernité et leur qualité. Deux adjectifs qui ne vont pas forcément ensemble dans le nautisme et que le groupe | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Review - LE MAG Yachting Festival Cannes 2019 | Le tout nouveau Dehler 30 one design célèbre sa première mondiale. Conçu grâce aux technologies les plus récentes, il offre un maximum de performances, associé à des manœuvres simples et garanti un confort basique et efficace. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Review - Sailing Today 09/20 | "A radical pure-blooded racing machine": German manufacturer Dehler has stepped away from its excellent range of cruiser /racers to supply this falrly radical pure-blooded racing machine. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Review - Seahorse International Sailing October 2019 | Beastie boy! Dehler’s return to its glory days of high-performance racers could not be more appropriately celebrated than with this dramatic new 30-footer from the design boards of Judel-Vrolijk. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Review - SAIL Oct/Nov 20 | In one of its boldest moves yet, Germany's normally somewhat staid Dehler is now building a racing sloop it calls the Dehler 30 One Design, a boat that truly pegs the fun factor at "11." | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Review - Sailing World Magazine 2021 | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Sea Yachting Vol.14 No.6 Nov-Dec 2019 | The new Dehler 30 one design is an uncompromising offshore race boat designed for maximum performance, with single-handed and dou-ble-handed capability, at a price that seems unbelievably low. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Skipper ONDECK 2019-'20 Winter. Issue#056 | The time has come: The extraordinary, groundbreaking project by HanseYachts is about to be launched worldwide and, being the yard’s press partner, ONDECK is ready to share some insider information. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Yachting monthly February 2020 | Following on from the successful Sprinta Sport and DB1, Dehler is introducing a new 30ft one design focusing on two-hand longn distance sailing, principally with racing in mind. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Search Magazine 1#2020 / Edition #77 (SE) | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Review - AQUA Magazine No. 144 Aug-Okt-2019 | Dehler 30 one design A REGATTÁK ÚJ CSILLAGA | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Vela-e-motore N°2020 | Un piccolo e divertente racer per equipaggi in doppio e solitari. | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Review - Kazi N°04/20 | It is a short-handed one design class that meets the criteria for adopting ofshore boats of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design: Testbericht - Search Magazine 76-2019 | Dehler
The Dehler 30od won the Best Boats 2021 Award | Category: Best Performance Boat 30ft or less and Systems | Dehler
Sailing World Magazine (US) - Boat of the Year 2022 | Boat of the Year 202 - Category "Best Offshore Racer" | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design - European Yacht of the Year 2020 | 摄制组游艇类别中 | Dehler
Dehler 30 one design - British Yachting Awards 2019 - nominated | Racing Yacht/Sportsboat of the Year | Dehler

Dehler 30 one design: Testbericht - yacht revue 19-2019

Die Inspiration zur Dehler 30 one design holte sich Karl "Kalle" Dehler bei den Testfahrten zur Europas Yacht des Jahres vor vier Jahren in La Rochelle.

Dehler 30 one design: Yacht 8 - 2019

Große Ambitionen: Mit der Dehler 30 one design will die Greifswalder Traditionsmarke eine neue Hochsee-Einheitsklasse etablieren. Die Ausrichtung ist deutlich sportlicher als bisher, zugleich soll Cruisen noch möglich sein.

Dehler Range: Schwern Yachten GmbH & Co KG - Bericht Yacht 20/20

Kenterung, Admiral's-Cup-Sieg, Fastnet-Sturm: Nicht nur als Segler hat JÜRGEN SCHWERN, 75, viel erlebt. Sein Name steht wie kaum ein anderer für den HANDEL MIT YACHTEN - seit 50 Jahren! Nun will er aufhören.

Dehler 30 one design: Testbericht - Segeler-Zeitung Februar 2020

Wenn man an einem regnerischen, kalten Wintertag zum Bootstest nach Warnemünde lädt, zeugt das von viel Selbstbewusstsein.

Dehler 30 one design: Testbericht - Yacht 22-2019

Konsequent beflügelt. Jungfernfahrt mit dem Prototyp der neuen Dehler-Einheitsklasse. Erstmals sind Beschläge, Rigg und Segel im Einsatz zu sehen. Wie das Boot funktioniert

Dehler 30 one design: Testbericht - YACHT 24-2019

Dehler bringt mit seinem neuen Einheitsklassenrenner ein durchdachtes und hochwertiges Boot auf den Markt, das unter Segeln maximalen Spaß bietet und dabei noch bewohnbar bleibt.

Dehler 30 one design: Bericht - Segel Journal 04/2019

Racer von Dehler mit Doublehanded-Option

Segelndes Kaleidoskop YACHT Nr. 17 August 2022

Er bestreitet Regatten, entwirft Segel, entwickelt Boote - er takelt und tüdelt: Oliver Schmidt-Rybandt. Porträt eines Multitalents zu Wasser und an Land.

Dehler 30 one design: Bericht Teil 3 - Yacht 16-2019

Bei einem neuen Serienboot ist der Formenbau einer der wichtigsten Produktionsschritte. Am Beispiel der Dehler 30 one design wird deutlich, welch immenser Aufwand dabei nötig ist.

Dehler 30 one design: Bericht - Yacht 17-2019

Die neue Dehler 30 od wird mit einem innovativen Antrieb ausgerüstet. Die einziehbare Wellenanlage, eine der ersten in Serienreife, könnte sich schon bald auf Fahrtenbooten wiederfinden.

Dehler 30 one design: Testbericht - Yacht 4-2020

Wer die YACHT regelmäßig liest, weiß über die Details dieses Bootes gut Bescheid. Schließlich haben wir die Entwciklung der Dehler 30 od von Beginn an begleitet und vergangenes Jahr in einer fünfteilige Serie dokumentiert.

Dehler 30 one design: Testbericht - Segeln Februar 2020

Wenn man an einem regnerischen, kaltem Wintertag zum Bootstest nach Warnemünde lädt, zeugt das von viel Selbstbewusstsein.

Dehler 30 one desig:n Testbericht - Ocean7 1/2020

Es ist November und der frühmorgendliche Flug geht nach Hamburg. Im dann noch knapp 180 Kilometer entfernten Rostock warten die ersten beiden Prototypen der neuen Dehler 30 one design.

Dehler 30 one design: Yacht 13 - 2019

100 Kilogramm für Komfort: Bei der Gestaltung des Interieurs der neuen Dehler 30 one design steht das Designteam vor Herausforderungen. Komfort für den Urlaubstörn bei minimalem Gewicht zwingt zu Kompromissen und Innovation

Dehler 30 one design: Ankündigung - Yacht 15 - 2018

Enthüllt! Dehlers Geheimprojekt. Mit einem leistungsstarken Hochsee-Renner setzt Dehler neue Akzente. Die YACHT begleitet die Entwicklung von Beginn an und zeigt erste Details der spannenden Konstruktion.

Dehler 30 one design: BÅD Magasinet 560

Dehler har med deres radikale doublehand-racer Dehler 30 OD gjort noget helt nyt og anderledes ikke bare for værftet men for hele branchen. Med 38 både i ordrebogen ser det til, at det tyske værft bliver belønnet for at være de modige first-movere.

Dehler 30 one design: Revista - Mares Nautical Magazine N°21

¿Preparado para el cambio? Dequés de dos años de intensas investigaciones, diseño y desarrollo, nace el 30 OD, modelo con el que Dehler Yachts inicia un nuevo capítulo tras más de 50 años de historia.

Dehler 30 one design: revista - N&Y No.46 2019

Un barco totalmente pensado para competir, con una cubierta en la que no reina nada más que la maniobra destinada al trimado de velas

Dehler 30 one design: Preview - Náutica Y Yates M@gazine - Número 43 Ano VII

EI nuevo Dehler 30 one design es un monotipo concebido para la regata pura, pero con buenas prestaciones de confort en sus interiores.

Dehler 30 one design: Review - Mares No34 2020

Dehler Yachts presanta una nueva elase Offshore One Design, centrada en las competieiones de altura, a la que pertenece este modelo, que es el barco perfecto para esa nueva generación de navegantes que adoptan el desafio de competir en alta mar.

Dehler 30 one design: Review - Skipper N°446

La experiencia de la marca Dehler, y la apuesta por las últimas tendencias, ha permitido crear el nuevo Dehler 30 One Design como una autentica máquina para que los especialistas puedan disfrutar de las grandes prestaciones.

Dehler: Voile Magazine N°300

La valeur de Dehler tient à cette addition de détails qui fait à la fois leur modernité et leur qualité. Deux adjectifs qui ne vont pas forcément ensemble dans le nautisme et que le groupe

Dehler 30 one design: Review - LE MAG Yachting Festival Cannes 2019

Le tout nouveau Dehler 30 one design célèbre sa première mondiale. Conçu grâce aux technologies les plus récentes, il offre un maximum de performances, associé à des manœuvres simples et garanti un confort basique et efficace.

Dehler 30 one design: Review - Sailing Today 09/20

"A radical pure-blooded racing machine": German manufacturer Dehler has stepped away from its excellent range of cruiser /racers to supply this falrly radical pure-blooded racing machine.

Dehler 30 one design: Review - Seahorse International Sailing October 2019

Beastie boy! Dehler’s return to its glory days of high-performance racers could not be more appropriately celebrated than with this dramatic new 30-footer from the design boards of Judel-Vrolijk.

Dehler 30 one design: Review - SAIL Oct/Nov 20

In one of its boldest moves yet, Germany's normally somewhat staid Dehler is now building a racing sloop it calls the Dehler 30 One Design, a boat that truly pegs the fun factor at "11."

Dehler 30 one design: Review - Sailing World Magazine 2021

Dehler 30 one design: Sea Yachting Vol.14 No.6 Nov-Dec 2019

The new Dehler 30 one design is an uncompromising offshore race boat designed for maximum performance, with single-handed and dou-ble-handed capability, at a price that seems unbelievably low.

Dehler 30 one design: Skipper ONDECK 2019-'20 Winter. Issue#056

The time has come: The extraordinary, groundbreaking project by HanseYachts is about to be launched worldwide and, being the yard’s press partner, ONDECK is ready to share some insider information.

Dehler 30 one design: Yachting monthly February 2020

Following on from the successful Sprinta Sport and DB1, Dehler is introducing a new 30ft one design focusing on two-hand longn distance sailing, principally with racing in mind.

Dehler 30 one design: Search Magazine 1#2020 / Edition #77 (SE)

Dehler 30 one design: Review - AQUA Magazine No. 144 Aug-Okt-2019

Dehler 30 one design A REGATTÁK ÚJ CSILLAGA

Dehler 30 one design: Vela-e-motore N°2020

Un piccolo e divertente racer per equipaggi in doppio e solitari.

Dehler 30 one design: Review - Kazi N°04/20

It is a short-handed one design class that meets the criteria for adopting ofshore boats of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris

Dehler 30 one design: Testbericht - Search Magazine 76-2019

The Dehler 30od won the Best Boats 2021 Award

Category: Best Performance Boat 30ft or less and Systems

Sailing World Magazine (US) - Boat of the Year 2022

Boat of the Year 202 - Category "Best Offshore Racer"

Dehler 30 one design - European Yacht of the Year 2020


Dehler 30 one design - British Yachting Awards 2019 - nominated

Racing Yacht/Sportsboat of the Year



Baltic Sea –

Dehler 30 one design正在等待您的到来! Speedsailing.de在罗斯托克市港口的基地提供新的离岸游艇的试航。在Warnemünde与经验丰富的船长一起测试新的标准级别,或者在波罗的海沿岸的试装期间将Racer-Cruiser推向高峰。北德水域为测试游艇的竞赛品质提供了理想的条件。让经验丰富的海洋竞速者向您展示他们如何在小船员的情况下自信地操纵Dehler 30 one design,操作Dehler Stealth Drive或最佳利用调整设备。无论是与专业船长一起训练,还是租船或按小时试航--现在就咨询预约,团队很乐意为您抽出时间

Baltic Sea -

作为Dehler 30 One设计活动的代言人,以及成功的迷你横帆船水手,Andreas Deubel与赛艇-巡洋舰紧密相连。他提供的 " "的名字反映了该计划,因为他的游艇的令人兴奋的设计吸引了所有的目光。在他位于罗斯托克的基地,他提供季节性的和每日的游艇租赁,个人教练(单手、双手、多人船员)以及团队活动,如速度试验。他的座右铭是 "兴奋-疯狂",他不仅让有经验的水手心跳加速,即使没有航海技术,在船长的带领下,也没有什么能阻挡激动人心的一天。现在就向您索取您的个人报价,并亲自测试一下这艘赛艇-巡洋舰所能提供的动力!

Cyclades and Aegean Sea - FastSailing

在希腊与FastSailing.gr一起租赁Dehler 30 one design游艇,在世界最好的航海地区之一体验离岸游艇。基克拉泽斯群岛和爱琴海周围地区,以其持续的风、众多的岛屿和避风海湾而闻名。无论你是单手航海者还是船员,都可以租下游艇进行试航,或获得参加当地帆船赛的资格,如Aegean 600、Hydra Race、Aegean Rally、Cyclades Race或Rodos Cup。在准备过程中,FastSailing很乐意组织船长进行个人游艇培训,他将告诉您如何将游艇发挥到最大性能。所有租来的游艇都配备了一套高质量的凯夫拉风帆,并提供完整的设备,包括自动驾驶仪和海图绘制仪。自己去了解一下驾驶最现代的游艇意味着什么,为最大的性能进行优化,现在就要求预约吧

Athens – Offshore Racing Charter

雅典的离岸竞赛包船为有兴趣的水手提供了在地中海上驾驶Dehler 30 one design的机会。与您的团队一起在船上获得初步经验,熟悉量子帆组、折叠式推进器和水压载系统。体验 "德勒隐形驱动 "的优势,并将三角帆、停留帆、"零号 "以及不同的顺风帆结合起来,以达到最佳速度。根据要求,有经验的船长将陪伴您并在游艇上指导您。您想直接体验Dehler 30 one design吗?通过Offshore Racing Charter预订一个地中海帆船赛的船员名额,并说服自己相信他们的比赛品质。现在就预约,以获得难忘的航海体验!